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Press Kit

Media files to be used in Videos or articles about the game.

Note: Some parts of the media kit are already outdated, I will try to update this as much as I can, but I am currently prioritizing my time to keep on adding new content and improvements to the game instead of redoing the trailer every week for example.




Game Description:
Target React Force is a realistic tactical VR experience where you can Train, Plan and Execute your ideas, with gameplay focused on randomisation and replayability. Use your tactical skills to navigate through the 14 designed layouts to neutralise the targets and save the hostages.



Q: What platforms is the game on?

A: It is out on Steam and the Oculus App Lab


Q: Will there be online Co-op?

A: I can't guarantee it but I will definitely be taking a deep look into adding co-op to the game.


Q: Have you made or worked on any other games in the past?

A: No, this is my very first game and first time coding and making 3D models. I have learnt a lot in a short amount of time and I feel like I am improving my skills and the game everyday.


Contact Information:
Discord: Inside Universe#9087


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